Kuang Seng Lee Co., Ltd. has 6 core services of our company. You can see from the Slogan of the company is. "Service Mind and Reasonable price" Our main service with six main items include Fast Delivery, Quick Cash, Fast Response, Reliable Certificate, Validity Scale, Customer Service.
1. Fast Delivery We have a good control on logistic service. If you have waste paper or iron scrap more than or equal 1,000 kilograms and not far more than 10 Kilometers. We have free service for Pick up item.2. Quick Cash Cash services, we provide quick Cash for customer, or via immediately bank transfer.
3. Fast Response if you are Grade-A customer. We will real time update price list via SMS, telephone or Email base on your need.
4. Reliable Certificate we provide a certification for destroying important documents.
5. Validity Scale we have advanced computer Scales that make you feel more validity, quickly and accurately.
6. Customer Service. We provide free consultant in waste paper recycling industry.